Upcoming Events


There are no upcoming events at this time, but you can access the recordings from our most recent events below.

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World Soil Day:
“The Soil-ution Beneath Our Feet!”


Katherine Gundling

Indira Patt, Programs + Partnerships Coordinator for SHI-Belize

Indira discussed soil restoration, including soil biology and why soil matters for human health.


Katherine Gundling, SHI Board Member + UC San Francisco Professor

Katherine discussed characteristics of her soil technician certificate and how it inspired her to join our board.

2023 SHI highlights
virtual fireside chat


Florence Reed, Founder + Director of Strategic Growth

Florence highlighted 2023 partnerships + projects, including the Clinton Global Initiative, Million Farm Transformation, and Yale Alumni Service Corps.


Jenniffer Zapata, Director of Programs + Partnerships

Jenniffer highlighted 2023 regional advancements including Honduran women entrepreneurs, team consultations, and new members to the programs department.