2024: A Year in Review

2024 was a year of new partnerships and growth for Sustainable Harvest International (SHI). We welcomed our new Executive Director, Janeen Simon, who has years of leadership experience with international development organizations in Central America. We also successfully completed Promoter4Change, our innovative pilot project that serves as the basis for the TREE program. Finally, we ventured into the world of film with the release of our first documentary, Roots of Renewal, which helped us reach new audiences.

Thanks to committed donors like you, we made a lasting impact on farming families and the planet. Continue reading to explore the exciting work your generosity made possible in 2024.

Program Highlights

In 2024, SHI’s country programs implemented new evaluation strategies to strengthen their impact. These strategies will benefit farming communities by providing more effective tools and knowledge. Updates to data collection, financial systems, and performance metrics will help assess program impact more effectively.  A new monitoring system will increase accountability and transparency across programs. Additionally, these tools will help identify potential partners, enabling the expansion of our programs and offering sustainable agriculture training to more family farmers.


In March 2024, SHI’s Board of Directors visited the Belize program to learn more about its impactful work in conservation. During their visit, the board members explored the program's partnership with the Shipstern Conservation and Management Area (Shipstern), which plays a vital role in protecting the biological corridor that vulnerable native species, such as jaguars, rely on. Through this partnership, the Belize program and Shipstern are working together to conserve critical forestland and waterways that provide essential wildlife habitats and support the livelihoods of rural farmers.

The Belize program also partnered with several groups to extend its reach to more farming communities. These new partners included the Technical Secondary School of Mexico and two government agencies: the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security + Enterprise and the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management. These various partnerships enhance the Belize program's ability to restore biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Man carries son and poses with daughter in front of plant nursery

Farmer in the Belize program, Felipe Garcia, and two of his children demonstrate the community tree nursery on his land.


The Honduras program welcomed new team members, including an Interim Country Director and three new program team members to support the TREE program. In addition to supporting core programming, the team focused on establishing and launching the TREE Program. TREE builds upon our pilot project, Promoter4Change, which concluded in mid-2024. Communities involved in TREE are enhancing their learning through Farmer Field Schools, where they are taught agroforestry principles. Through mentoring and community workshops, participants gain practical skills in sustainable farming practices, followed by training in small business development to help them increase their incomes and improve their livelihoods.

To launch TREE, the Honduras program partnered with a range of local and international entities. These partners assist TREE participants in diversifying their agri-food systems and evaluating potential organic products for the market. Key partners include nonprofits like Rikolto and Horizon Empowers, cooperatives such as the Regional Cooperative of Organic Farmers of Honduras, and institutions such as the Honduran National Institute for Professional Training and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center. TREE will support 200 family farmers through agroforestry training and business development.

Group of farmers hold plants inside a greenhouse

Farmers in the Honduras TREE program participate in a workshop at a community greenhouse.


In July 2024, SHI’s Panama program partnered with the Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC) and hosted their volunteers for one week to assist two partner communities—Bermejo and Piedras Gordas. Volunteers beautified schools, constructed greenhouses, planted tree nurseries, and helped prepare gardens for SHI family farmers. In addition to their hands-on work, volunteers have continued to support SHI through their gifts, board service, and sharing our work within their networks. The Yale Alumni Association Magazine published an article about the service trip, written by YASC’s trip leader, Alicia Morris. 

As is the case with many of our country programs, many graduate communities in Panama continue to embrace the practices they learned from SHI. This is an example of how SHI's work creates lasting change for livelihoods and the planet. The program’s effectiveness was further validated when several groups affiliated with Yale University expressed admiration for the work being done.

Volunteers in shirts stand alongside children in traditional attire

Yale Alumni Service Corps volunteers join traditional celebrations with SHI’s Panama program. 

New Initiatives

In October 2024, a documentary on SHI’s agroecology efforts in Central America premiered. Roots of Renewal, produced by David E. Shaw, Myriad, and Waterbear, follows SHI’s Founder + Director of Strategic Growth, Florence (Flo) Reed, as she journeys across Central America to reveal the transformative power of small-scale farms. The documentary explores the interconnectedness of food, environment, and climate, featuring expert voices like Bill McKibben, Vandana Shiva, Eric Toensmeier, Paul Luu, and Hans Herren, who explain how these regenerative practices can play a key role in reversing environmental degradation and ensuring a sustainable future. Roots of Renewal (available on SHI’s YouTube) brings forward a powerful message: small-scale farmers, with the proper support, offer us tremendous hope for a resilient planet.

In November 2024, SHI’s global team participated in a DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) audit conducted by Sembramos, a bilingual and holistic consulting agency. The Sembramos team reviewed SHI’s policies, conducted individual and group interviews, and surveyed the team anonymously. Following the audit, SHI’s staff gained a renewed sense of transparency and understanding. The process offered an opportunity for the team to reevaluate priorities and set new goals under the leadership of newly appointed Executive Director, Janeen Simon.

Speaking Engagements

In May 2024, Founder + Director of Strategic Growth, Flo Reed, represented SHI at a variety of events. Flo discussed SHI’s commitment to women’s empowerment at iZosh and presented regenerative agriculture’s climate solutions at Accelerate 2050. She updated Hancock Church on the work they’ve generously funded in the community of La Concepción, Honduras. The team at NASDAQ’s Boston office welcomed Flo for an overview of SHI’s reforestation efforts. Communications + Outreach Coordinator, Tania Roa, represented SHI at the Food as Medicine Global Conference.

In June, Flo spoke at the UU Congregation of New Hampshire. In September, at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting during Climate Week, she debuted a snippet of Roots of Renewal and received a special thank you from actor Benedict Cumberbatch!

Woman stands at a podium

SHI’s Founder + Director of Strategic Growth, Flo Reed, speaks at Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting.


In September 2024, we hosted our first joint webinar with Dr. André Leu of Regeneration International to discuss soil restoration and biodiversity conservation. Dr. Leu is a farmer, author, speaker, and member of SHI’s advisory council. 

We celebrated the release of the Roots of Renewal documentary by hosting  two in-person screenings and two virtual screenings. Representatives of the National Geographic Society attended our in-person screening in New York City, and the event in Maine garnered attention through local press coverage. Our two virtual screenings featured the film’s Director, Max Zampieri of Myriad, and brought together longtime supporters from multiple countries.

Team Growth

Movie promotional poster features a man in a food forest

Roots of Renewal promotional poster lists film partners, including Myriad, WaterBear, and David E. Shaw.

In February 2024, Janeen Simon was named SHI’s new Executive Director. Her years of living in Guatemala fostered a deep passion for sustainable agriculture and Central American communities, making her an ideal fit for the position. Since joining SHI, she has improved its infrastructure, logistics, and policies, creating a strong foundation from which to grow SHI into the future.

SHI also added two new full-time positions: a Senior Grants Manager and a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability + Learning (MEAL) Officer. The Senior Grants Manager is responsible for building and growing SHI’s grants program. The MEAL Officer will collect and analyze data, while refining our evaluation methodologies to maximize impact.

SHI Spotlights

In the News



In Memoriam

We’d like to acknowledge and honor the legacy of SHI friends who passed away in 2024. We celebrate their contribution to the transformation of  lives and landscapes, and will always cherish their dedication to our mission. Through the work of our partner farmers, who remain deeply grateful for their generosity, their spirits continue to cast a bright light in our world.

  • Jill Kammermeyer, SHI Board Member

  • Merry Gerber, Longtime donor