Programs in central america


Our proven, effective, and tailored model has led to long-term results in 4 countries since 1997. With new pilot projects, initiatives, and programs, we continue to grow and improve upon our original model.

Sustainable Harvest International’s (SHI) comprehensive 5-year training program in regenerative organic farming assists families on the path to self-sufficiency. In addition to restoring vibrant tropical ecosystems and growing organic gardens, families have learned to incorporate holistic approaches to ensure long-term success for themselves and their communities.


Man carries son and daughter holds son's hand in front of community nursery

Belize’s country program is our smallest yet mightiest. Our dedicated team builds close relationships with farmers to share practical, sustainable farming strategies that improve well-being and the country’s tropical forests. 

The sugarcane industry and other large, conventional agricultural industries dominate the local economy. High deforestation rates and increasing development make this environmentally rich and biodiverse landscape an important focus. Native flora and fauna are vulnerable to extinction due to devastating agricultural practices.

Belize map with Corozal highlighted

SHI’s Belize program partners with local conservation organizations to increase the size of biological corridors, so native animals such as iconic jaguars can be further protected.

Total participating families: 1,124
: 1999
Region: Corozal and Orange Walk, previously in the southern districts


Woman holds finished business products in front of tree

Honduras’ country program is our largest and oldest program, noted for its commitment to community participation and empowerment.

Logging and slash-and-burn agriculture have destroyed or damaged large parts of Honduras’ once-pristine tropical forests. Erosion now devastates the country’s mountains and hills, which cover close to 80% of Honduras’ land area.

Map of Honduras with Siguatepeque highlighted

Farming along mountain slopes presents distinct challenges for rural farmers, especially as many areas are now plagued with infertile soil that does not produce food or support plants.

SHI’s Honduras program is leading the charge on regenerative methods by innovating, evolving, and scaling our 27-year-old model to further develop sustainable agribusinesses.

Total participating families: 1,991
Region: Siguatepeque


Man and woman stand in front of their family store
Women bends over seedling in her garden
Map of panama with south region highlighted

Panama’s country program is deeply connected to the history of SHI. In the 1990’s SHI’s founder, Florence Reed, recognized that poverty in rural communities and severe damage to the ecosystems were interrelated.

Extractive industries (such as mining and conventional rice plantations), tropical deforestation, increased erosion due to siltation from the Panama Canal, and slash and burn farming practices all contributed to soil degradation and the inability to support essential harvests of healthy food.

Demonstrating the power of agroecology, SHI has successfully partnered with Panama’s rural farming families for over 27 years, transforming lands and livelihoods.

Total participating families: 1,211
Founded: 1997
Region: Penómene


After 27 years of partnering with rural Panamanian farming families to create healthy communities that thrive in restored tropical ecosystems, SHI has made the difficult decision to discontinue operations in Panama effective June 30, 2025. Circumstances beyond our control have exacerbated an already challenging environment in which to operate, and new opportunities have arisen that enable us to build on the many successes achieved in Panama. One such opportunity is the innovative ‘Training to Expand Eco-Agriculture’ (TREE) program in Honduras, which is utilizing SHI’s effective farmer-to-farmer training platform and adding small business development and market linkages to improve incomes and food security for our farming partner families. Click here to read more about TREE.

We celebrate and honor our community members who have worked tirelessly to improve their livelihoods and those of their neighbors. We celebrate the talented and dedicated
staff in Panama who have enabled over 631 families to participate in SHI’s programs, transform degraded land into productive regenerative organic farms, and provide ongoing
knowledge to improve SHI’s methods. And we celebrate with deep gratitude our family of donors who understand our mission and have enabled these successes.

Given our strong ties with many Panamanian farming communities and cherished field trainers, we remain open to returning with renewed vigor in the future, but for now we trust that our SHI friends and supporters will join us as we advance our regenerative agriculture efforts in current and expanding areas. While the 21st century poses daunting challenges, it also offers exciting ways to strengthen and augment SHI’s ongoing vision to enable people and the environment to thrive in a healthy balance.